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Infusing Your Own Ayurvedic Oils
Ayurvedic oils infusing in glass jar

Infusing Your Own Ayurvedic Oils

Have you ever wondered if it were possible for you to create your own ayurvedic oil infusion? Infusing your own ayurvedic oils doesn’t take much time and is simple to do.

When I started my ayurvedic journey, I was overwhelmed by the possibilities:  Should I use an ayurvedic mask?  A gloss?  A tea?  An oil?  Would my hair respond positively to any of these treatments?  I was overwhelmed.  Over time, I learned that each type of ayurvedic treatment has it’s strength and benefits, but ayurvedic oils soon became my favourite. 

The thing that I like about ayurvedic oils is that they aren’t as strong, as messy, or as time consuming to apply as masks or glosses, but they provide the same benefits and can be used more frequency.  I also learned that infusing your own ayurvedic oils is easy. 

At first glance, infusing your own ayurvedic oils might seem complicated, but with some planning and patience, you can customize a product that will benefit your scalp and your hair.

The process can be broken down into three simple parts:

1. Choosing Ayurvedic Herbs and Oils

One of the hardest parts of making an herbal formulation is deciding which herbs and oils to use.  In order to do so, you must first figure out which scalp or hair problems you would like to address.  Herbs and oils have the ability to strengthen your hair, reduce shedding, alleviate scalp issues, aid in detangling, support cleansing and conditioning, and encourage hair growth.  

You can stick to herbs and oils that perform the same function or you can mix and match to suit multiple needs. To reap the most benefit, be sure to stick with herbs and oils that your hair and scalp like.

This list isn’t exhaustive and the possible combinations rare endless.

2. Formulating

Once you’ve determined which herbs and oils you would like to use, it’s time to start formulating.  You can use one of two methods to create your recipe:  The first is formulate by weight and the second to formulate by volume.  Neither method of formulating is incorrect, but both can create great products for your scalp and hair. 

Formulating by Weight

In order to formulate by weight, you must use a scale.  Each ingredient represents a percentage of the total formula and the total formula equals 100%.  When you’ve finished formulating your recipe, substitute your percentage signs for grams, ounces, or pounds. 

I often formulate by weight when I am making large batches of product or when I need to be precise about specific ingredients. 

Formulating by Volume

Formulating by volume is much like baking and you can use common kitchen measurements such as teaspoons, tablespoons, and cups.  Unlike formulating by weight, there is no final total for your formula.  I like to formulate by volume when I make small batches of product, especially when I’m testing out a new recipe.

Regardless of the method that you use, be sure to write your recipes down.  Writing your recipe down will give you a chance to tweak your recipe if it doesn’t suit your needs.  You’ll also be able to make a consistent recipe time and time again.

3. Infusing Your Ayurvedic Oil

After selecting your ingredients and determining how much of each you will use, it’s time to infuse your own ayurvedic oil.

Carefully measure out each herb that you’ve identified in your recipe and place them in a clean glass jar.  Next, do the same for the oils that you intend on using.  It’s important that the jar is dry and does not contain any water in it so that it does not grow mold.

I leave my oils to infuse in a dark cupboard for at least 6 weeks and I make sure to shake the jar every week or so to make sure all of the ayurvedic goodness is mixed well and properly infused.  After that, your oil will be infused and ready to use.  Be sure to strain it with a cheesecloth or muslin cloth to remove the herbs before using.

Now that your ayuredic oil is ready, experiment with it. These oils are great for scalp massages, sealing your hair as part of your LOC/LCO moisturizing method, pre-pooing, and even adding to your shea butter mixes.


We often associate “natural” with “good” or “healthy”, however some natural substances can be harmful.  Before starting your ayurvedic journey, be sure to research all herbs and plants for potential side effects.

Remember:  Research does not constitute recommendations made by your health care practitioner.  Consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns, or should problems arise.  The information on this website does not replace the care of a physician.  Should you have any concerns about using products on yourself or your child, please consult your medical professional before use.

Have you tried making ayurvedic oils?  What are your favourite herbs to infuse?

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