From A to 4z
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Protective Style Win 2019
From A to 4z standing in profile showing off a ponytail banded with elastic bands for the protective style challenge
Goal Setting

Protective Style Win 2019

Hi fam!  We’re starting a new year and what better way to start the year than to commit to establishing better hair care habits!  Throughout 2019, I will host different challenges to help you to establish a solid healthy hair care routine.  Our first challenge win for the year will be to establish protective style habits.

But Challenges Are Hard…Aren’t They?

I’m not going to lie:  Sticking to a challenge can be difficult.  In the past, I was full of good intentions, but when the going got tough my commitment would waiver.  A few years ago I figured out a way to get over the hump by doing the following:

  1. Find an accountability partner or group.  Group challenges like this are fun because you have a community of like-minded sisters and brothers her to support you and to cheer your progress on.  Likewise, the community also can help you answer questions about how you can improve on your routine.
  2. Set a realistic goal.  Having a goal of getting waist length hair by the end of the year is great.  But if you’ve just done a big chop last week, then you may want to either lengthen your timeline or establish an interim milestone.  Realistic goals are targets that are achievable based on your current circumstances. 
  3. Establish a positive mindset. Keeping a positive outlook makes a world of a difference in establishing your success. I try to set that frame of mind, not just by staying positive, but also by changing the wording that I use to keeps me in a positive head space. Therefore, we won’t be entering a “challenge” but we’ll be celebrating a “win”!
  4. Have fun!  It’s easy to become bored or to feel discouraged when a challenge starts to feel like work.  “Hard” work usually isn’t “fun”.  So, think of ways to take the pressure off of yourself and celebrate your accomplishments however big or small they may be.

Let’s Have Some Fun!

With that in mind, I am starting the year with a fun and “easy” way to establish a protective style routine.   The rules are simple and easy to follow and by the end of the session you’ll realize that you have what it takes to stay committed to your healthy hair journey for the next 12 months and beyond.

The Protective Style Win will run for four weeks starting on the weekend of January 5 and end on February 2 February 23. Protective styles using “extended hair” are allowed.  (Later this year we’ll go harder and longer!)

Protective Styles Include:

  • Braids:  Cornrows, French braids, plaits/box braids, etc
  • Twists:  Two/three strand twists, flat twists, finger coils, etc.
  • Buns, updos, bantu knots, etc
  • Extended Hair:  Marley braids, crochet braids, wigs, weaves, etc.
  • Hair Wraps: Perfect for those with a TWA and still want to participate in the challenge

Protective Style Challenge Rules

  1. Protective styles using extended hair are allowed.
  2. You must keep your hair hydrated and moisturized throughout the week. Protective styling has no benefits if your hair is dehydrated.
  3. Your hair must be in a protective style for at least 5 consecutive days.  For your hair to be in a “protected” state, you must reduce manipulation.
  4. Each week you are allowed up to 2 days to not wearing your hair in a protective style. This is a great time to wear a low manipulation style like a twist out, braid out, wash n go, puffs, etc.
  5. On Instagram, use the hashtag #ProtectiveStyleWin to notify our community of your latest protective style.
  6. Most importantly: Have fun!

How do you plan on styling your hair for this challenge?

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