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Protective Style Win 2021
From A to 4z length check close up for the Protective Style Win 2021
Goal Setting

Protective Style Win 2021

Hi fam!  We’re starting a new year and what better way to start the year than to commit to establishing better hair care habits!  For this reason, I’m back again, but this time with the Protective Style Win 2021!

No One Needs Another “Challenge” in Their Life?

I’m not going to lie, sticking to a routine is challenging.  You know how it is.  You start with good intentions, but when the going got tough your commitment waivers.  When this happens, there are a few things that you can do to see yourself through:

  1. Find an accountability partner or group.  Group challenges like this are fun because you have a community of like-minded sisters and brothers her to support you and to cheer your progress on.  Likewise, the community also can help you answer questions about how you can improve on your routine.
  2. Set a realistic goal.  Having a goal of getting waist length hair by the end of the year is great.  But if you’ve just done a big chop last week, then you may want to either lengthen your timeline or establish an interim milestone.  Realistic goals are targets that are achievable based on your current circumstances. 
  3. Establish a positive mindset. Keeping a positive outlook makes a world of a difference in establishing your success. I try to set that frame of mind, not just by staying positive, but also by changing the wording that I use to keeps me in a positive head space. Therefore, we won’t be entering a “challenge” but we’ll be celebrating a “win”!
  4. Have fun!  It’s easy to become bored or to feel discouraged when a challenge starts to feel like work.  “Hard” work usually isn’t “fun”.  So, think of ways to take the pressure off of yourself and celebrate your accomplishments however big or small they may be.

Let’s Have Some Fun!

We can all agree that 2020 was a year to remember.  It brought with it stress and tested us in ways that we never thought possible.  However, it taught us about flexibility and showed us that we are stronger than we ever could imagine. 

For this reason, I want to this year’s Protective Style Win not only to force us to push our limits, but show us that doing so can be easy and fun.  The rules are simple and easy to follow and by the end of the session you’ll realize that you have what it takes to stay committed to your healthy hair journey for the next 12 months and beyond.

This year Protective Style Win will run for twelve weeks starting on the weekend of January 2 and end on March 27.   To add an additional layer of fun, this year’s “win” will include 3 “badges” for you to “collect” to motivate you to stay winning: W-I-N

Protective Style Win 2021 Levels

“W” Badge:  January

During the first four weeks, we will focus solely on wearing protective styles.  Protective styling is beneficial for us naturalistas, particularly for those of us with type 4 and type 4c hair.  For many naturals, length retention is one of the goals that they focus on.  Protective styles aim to hide the ends of your hair which limits exposure to breakage and therefore contributes to length retention.  This also helps to contribute to the overall health of your hair since it can contribute to moisture retention, lack of splits, and the general health of your hair.

Protective Styles Include:

  • Braids:  Cornrows, French braids, plaits/box braids, etc
  • Twists:  Two/three strand twists, flat twists, finger coils, etc.
  • Buns, updos, bantu knots, etc
  • Extended Hair:  Marley braids, crochet braids, wigs, weaves, etc.
  • Hair Wraps: Perfect for those with a TWA and still want to participate in the challenge

“I” Badge (Bonus 1):  February

During this month, we will introduce Ayurveda into the routine with the focus on fenugreek.  Be sure to follow @kenziafrican on Instagram as she and I will be sharing recipes that will help nourish your scalp and boost hair strength, health, and growth.

This bonus will be done in addition to protective styling.

“N” Badge (Bonus 2):  March

In our final month, we stimulate blood flow to our scalps while simultaneously cultivating an air of calm through the use of massage.  Scalp massages are a great way to invigorate your scalp and to nourish your follicles from the inside.

This bonus will be done in addition to protective styling and ayurveda.

NOTE:  Hair care is supposed to be fun!  So feel free to participate in any or all components of this challenge and to customize this challenge to suit your hair and lifestyle. 

Protective Style Win 2021 Rules

  1. Take a starting photo of your hair and photos at the beginning of each subsequent month.  It’s not necessary to share your photos on social media.  These photos will help you to track your progress as the weeks progress. 
  2. Protective styles using extended hair are allowed.
  3. You must keep your hair hydrated and moisturized throughout the week. Protective styling has no benefits if your hair is dehydrated.
  4. Your hair must be in a protective style for at least 5 consecutive days.  For your hair to be in a “protected” state, you must reduce manipulation.
  5. Each week you are allowed up to 2 days to not wear your hair in a protective style. This is a great time to wear a low manipulation style like a twist out, braid out, wash n go, puffs, etc.
  6. On Instagram or Facebook, use the hashtag #ProtectiveStyleWin to notify our community of your latest protective style.
  7. Most importantly: Have fun!

How do you plan on styling your hair for this challenge?

(2) Comments

  1. Rebecca says:

    During this protective style win, are we to wash our hair in twist? If one is on twist style or can we take it down wash and retwist?

    1. You most certainly can take your hair down to wash your hair. You are also allowed two days per week not to wear your hair in a protective style.

      So if you take your hair down, wash, and re-style on the same day it counts as zero days in a loose style.

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